~Gabby Abbey Blog~
It's not a Mask
Everyone knows that girl who cakes on her makeup. Some people make fun of her while others envy her and some feel bad for her. So what's the deal, does the "cake-it-on" girl wear it because she likes it, or is she hiding behind a mask of makeup?
I have to admit I do know many girls who, in my opinion, put on way too much makeup. Sometimes I just want to take them by the hand and say, "If you took off a layer or two you'd look just as pretty," though I never do this because a. It might very well offend them (honestly it most likely would) and b. if that's what they feel confident in, and then don't bother them about it! I started wearing makeup when I was 11 years old because I had terrible self-esteem, a lot of the kids my age didn't like my makeup, in fact they called me 'Clown Face' throughout the rest of Elementary school, but I felt better wearing it, it made me happy, and at that time I needed the little confidence boost.
Just like it was for me, makeup can often be a security blanket for girls who are insecure about a feature or two on their face. I have a neighbor who is very insecure about her skin. She "cakes" on her makeup because it makes her feel more beautiful and have more confidence in herself. Isn't that the purpose of makeup? This is just my opinion, but if there is a part of you that you don't like, that's bringing you down, and you can do something about it, then by all means do whatever it takes. If other people don't like it who cares about them! Be you, and do you, because you are beautiful.
This being said I do want to clarify that there is a difference between wearing makeup to feel more confident and beautiful and wearing it to hide. Sometimes, sadly, girls hide behind a sea of makeup. They let the cosmetics do the talking, so they don't have to. Sometimes, they pack it on so as to hide their natural beauty as if they are trying to sculpt a whole new face for themselves. This is truly heartbreaking. I was a reporter for my school newspaper and I was actually writing an article on true beauty and insecurities, when I came across a girl who fit the above description. For the article I was surveying girls at my school about what they thought was beautiful, what was expected of girls in today’s society, and how they deal with their insecurities, etc. I handed the girl my survey and she immediately burst into tears. She was a quiet girl so I was shocked when she told me that she was so insecure about her face. She said that she used makeup to hide behind in fear that someone would question her, stare at, or be grossed out by her acne. How sad! It just made me think about how we as a society should encourage more acceptance towards personal flaws, because everyone has them and no one should have to hide in fear of judgment for something that's perfectly human.
So for those of you reading you may relate to the girl behind the cosmetic mask remember: makeup shouldn't overpower YOU. Its purpose is to enhance you're beautiful qualities and make any flaw a little less noticeable. Flaws suck, but they're part of you! They differentiate you from the rest of the population! If we were all perfect this life would be very bland and kind of lame. Embrace your face, flaws and all, because nothing is more beautiful than being yourself.
As for the rest of you, next time you see that girl with the "Cake-up" on, take a moment to consider why she might be wearing her cosmetics that way. Don't make fun, don't judge, and don’t snicker to your buddies about how she looks like a "clown face." Just try to remember that we all have our own struggles and imperfection, and maybe this is her way of quieting those pesky insecurities.
Love ya lots doll faces! ;)
XOXO//: Gabby Abbey